Perfect First Week

Jordan Gette National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland


September 10, 2015

Zero hours of sleep on the plane? Check.

Late landing? Check.

Lost luggage? Check.

Missed group shuttle? Check.

Perfect first week in Ireland? Check, check, and check.

I have been staring at the screen trying to figure out how to put all that I’ve already experienced into words. My first few days in Ireland have been everything I thought they would be and nothing like I expected. There are moments where I feel right at home and moments when I become aware of the differences between Ireland and the United States. Myself along with 24 other students adventured through Dublin for two days going on tours and through orientation to prepare for our time abroad. We were able to walk through the city for hours (okay, I admit, we just got lost a lot) and take in our surroundings. Despite being a large city, Dublin was so much cleaner and friendlier than I had expected and I can’t imagine having a better group of people to travel with.

Our second day in the city, we learned how to play Ireland’s national sports: Gaelic football and hurling. I definitely do not have a future in Gaelic sport, but I had blast trying. It was great just hearing our instructors talk about the sports and how excited the entire country gets during big matches. But my favorite part in Dublin was our second night wandering around town. All of the Galway students got together to spend a night out. During dinner, we were all bonding, cracking jokes and telling stories and you could just feel how excited and grateful each person was to be sitting in that BBQ restaurant in the heart of Temple Bar. There are many moments in life when you get the chance to make 25 friends in 2 days the way we all did. And of course we all had to head to a pub to order a pint after dinner.

I have been in Galway for 3 days now and feel like I am starting to get settled after 4 days of orientation. I am unpacked, grocery shopped, and wandered through the city. I had a great time cheering for my friends at karaoke night and did the whole pub a favor by keeping my name off of the singers list. I have an amazing Irish flat mate. He has been super patient with me (I might be frozen if he hadn’t been around to show me how to turn the emersion on) and is always excited to answer my questions and even to learn more about Missouri.

I have loved just being able to walk around Galway. I don’t think I will ever get my fill of Ireland. I’m already planning trips to what seems like every part of the country. Everyone I’ve met is friendly and welcoming. Despite being thousands of miles from home, I feel so comfortable here (there’s a Starbucks on campus). I am ready to start classes and get involved with the campus and community. I don’t think I have ever felt more excited. Seriously, I am officially enrolled in a school that has a skydiving club; that can only mean I am in for an adventure.