Pre-Departure Thoughts

Amy B. Brisbane, Australia


November 4, 2013

Two weeks. That’s all I have left here in Brisbane. I feel more anxious than I did before I even left for Australia. I’m so conflicted about my upcoming departure from the land down under. I miss my family, my friends, and the comforts of home. However, I’m not too keen on the freezing cold winter weather that awaits me. I love this city, this country, and the people I've met along the way, but I’ll be glad to be able to come home to everything that is familiar to me

I had thought that once I’d finished all of my university assessments, that I’d be able to have so much more free time. Instead, I’m constantly preparing for my long journey back home; making sure I've visited every place in Brisbane worth seeing, and checking off my list of souvenirs I want to bring home. I've sent last-minute postcards, said goodbye to my uni friends, and made peace with the fact that in two weeks, I can no longer sit on the sunny beaches of the Gold Coast everyday. Cliche as it may be, I cannot find a better word than “bittersweet” to describe how I feel.

For now, I've been making more of an effort to get out and capture some of my favorite parts of Brisbane, in order to show everyone at home (and across the globe) how wonderful my experience here has been.