Reflecting on my journey ahead

Rachel Proctor University of Stirling, Scotland


January 8, 2016

As I sat down to write this first blog post, I began to reflect about the exciting adventures I will have during my study abroad experience in Scotland. I’ve been dreaming about the opportunity to study abroad since I was in high school, though trying to find the right words to describe the feeling, when I stumbled upon a powerful quote. My family and friends would agree that I am very fond of quotes. I like scrolling through Pinterest, reading all the quotes, then pinning the ones which move or inspire me.

This is a quote from Marcel Proust, which might be about art, though could also represent the act of traveling as well:

The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeing new sights, but in looking with new eyes.”

Even though I am about to set off on an adventure to Scotland and see new places, this quote reminds me that where I go isn’t what’s most important but rather how I see the world. Through all my experiences in college, the way I see the world has evolved and is constantly changing. Now that I am embarking on a new journey of discovery, I’m planning on experiencing Scotland with an open mind expecting to gain new perspectives. I try to go through life experiencing each day with a fresh outlook, which I’m hoping to do while I’m abroad. Through my photography, I try capturing the beauty in everyday things and work towards inspiring others to take the time to look around them.

If we allow ourselves to take in every moment of our journey through life, whether it is good or bad, then we can truly begin to appreciate what we have. I’m very grateful to have this opportunity to travel to a new country and get to experience a different culture. I’m excited and nervous at the same time to hop on a plane and arrive in Scotland in less than a week. All the preparation, packing and planning has come down to this moment when I have to say see you later and not goodbye to my friends and family, as I begin my study abroad experience. 


Pre-Departure Scotland