Salty Air, Hippie Rants, and Beauty Marks

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


December 7, 2015

Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life – and travel – leaves marks on you. Most of the time, those marks – on your body or on your heart – are beautiful.”
- Anthony Bourdain

Now that this term has come to an end and it is now time for the holiday festivities to begin, I will be packing a backpack, getting on a train, and leaving the comforts of Egham.

I have decided to go on a little journey to experience a few of the different places England has to offer during my winter break. Today I will leave for Bath, and then it is onward to Brighton. I have wanted to visit the quaint sea-side town ever since my gran told me about the weekend trips she would go on there with her family. After taking in the salty air and charming views in Brighton, I will head to Dover to stay with Beth (if you haven’t read my earlier blog posts, I live with her and she is my best mate). Once I say good-bye to the White Cliffs, I will head back to London where I will meet up with a friend from up North whom I have known since I was fourteen, but have never been able to meet! How’s that for an adventure?

As I prepare to go on this solo-excursion, I have spent a lot of time reflecting on the past few months. The people I have met and the things I have done are proof that the universe’s plan for me is far above anything I can imagine. I am telling you this because I think it’s really important not to let any twists or turns in your life make you think something isn’t going to work out. In other words, do not be so quick take something for face value. Just because it doesn’t appear to be what you wanted, doesn’t mean it isn’t right. Life has a funny way of working out.

Last year, before I had been accepted to study abroad, I applied for several theatre internship programmes in London. One by one, I received the unfortunate rejection letters and my hope began to deteriorate. When I received the letter from Royal Holloway accepting me as an abroad student for the academic year, my excitement was indescribable. In hindsight, I can see why the internships did not work out the way I had anticipated. The amazing things are destined to accomplish in life are unfathomable, no matter how many ideas that you may concoct in your imagination. Anyway, that’s my hippie-like rant done.

In closing, I am so happy to have had the pleasure to be marked by all of the people I have met and experiences I have had in this lovely country so far. And you know what? Each and every mark gets more and more beautiful. I can’t wait to see what is ahead of me.