St. Patrick’s Day in Dublin

Margaret Chelsvig University of Edinburgh, Scotland


March 30, 2015

After I had decided on being in Scotland for the spring semester, I was pretty sure I wanted to go to Dublin for St. Patrick’s Day. The only problem was that I would miss school- good thing I found a way to minimize missed classes, but at the expense of sleep. We flew out bright and early on Monday morning, landing in Dublin and ready to get our day started. We visited Trinity College and it’s beautiful library, walked around the city centre of Dublin, and went to the Guinness Storehouse. The Guinness Storehouse was really cool and I would definitely recommend it if you’re even remotely interested! At the end of the tour you get to have a pint of Guinness in the Gravity Bar, which overlooks Dublin. On the way back to our hostel, we stopped at a supermarket to grab some tea and custard crèmes; I can’t be without either for very long.

On Tuesday, we headed downtown to see the parade. On the way I stopped and got my face painted because why not? It was unbelievably crowded, but the parade was really cool!! After the parade, we spent the rest of the day wandering around Dublin and going to different pubs. The Temple Bar is a famous area in Dublin so we felt compelled to at least visit, despite warning that it was over priced and crowded. The area was so packed we could hardly move- we took a picture and got out of there as quickly as possible. For dinner we went to my favorite Irish restaurant- McDonald’s. Of course I’m kidding, I just wanted something cheap, delicious, and terribly unhealthy.

Our flight back to Edinburgh was awfully early- we had to wake up at 2:45 to catch our bus to the airport. We made it back to the flat in a daze, took a two hour power nap, and then I got up, made some coffee, started studying for my German test!