Tell Me More, Tell Me Moher

Caitlyn Rome Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


February 6, 2017

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”  I took about a thousand pictures, so I’ll keep the text to a minimum! My friends and I visited Galway and the Cliffs of Moher for the last weekend in January. We bussed out to Galway for a lovely Friday night of huge pizzas and live music, and woke up early the next morning for a bus tour to Burren and the Cliffs, and finally back to Galway. We spent Sunday shopping around and attempting to stay dry (we didn’t do so well – it poured almost all day), and bussed back to Dublin that afternoon.

The Cliffs are nothing less than breathtaking. No pictures could ever capture the beauty of the gigantic plunge that we walked along. What’s so special about cliffs, you may ask? You have to see it to understand. I’ve visited many beautiful places in my life, but the Cliffs of Moher might be my new favorite (low-key tops both the Grand Canyon AND Niagara Falls). We did run into about five minutes of hail while on the cliffs, but it subsided as quickly as it had started. You can see the difference in the photos of serious precipitation when we arrived versus the blinding sunlight by the end.

Our bus also stopped at the Aillwee Cave tour, which was exciting, but also terrifyingly dark. We stopped for lunch at Doolin, another teeny town thriving on tourism. Dunguaire Castle was another detour at around sunset, blessing our pictures with such vibrant colors. I really enjoyed the whole trip, especially because my family traced lineage back to County Clare in the 1850s, so driving through the area they lived in felt extra special. Our bus driver was very well informed and gave us interesting background about the passing towns and historical sites. I would absolutely recommend seeing the Cliffs of Moher for anyone traveling to Ireland in the future. Enjoy the multitude of (Galaxy S7 perfect) pictures.