To the beach and up the mountain!

Eien Sykes Bidwell University of Wollongong, Australia


April 3, 2015

I finally did it! It took a month but I not only made it to the beach, I also made it up Mt. Keira! Wollongong is situated directly between the beach and Mt. Keira, so there's the option of going to the beach for swimming and exploring rock pools, or hiking up the mountain and getting to see a view of the entire city (while also feeling really accomplished). So my Saturday was about getting up at 9 am, eating breakfast, and meeting up with people by 10:30. Then we took the bus along the shore to North Beach, which is apparently the best for just swimming and relaxing. We left the beach about 1 pm and hurried back to Weerona to get changed and prepared for our hike. We met up with the Queer Collective on campus and then walked to the base of the mountain. It was a mess. I am so out of shape and we had to take a lot of breaks so I wouldn't keel over. It took about 2 ½ hours to make it to the top. We climbed an infinite number of stairs, stopped at The Lookout, found this big sculpture, made our way over a bunch of rocks and fallen trees, and had a picnic at the top. We also took a lot of pictures together to commemorate this momentous hike. It was a lot of fun but I really couldn't handle getting back down, especially because I had run out of water, and I got a ride back down. I guess its good that I left because one of the people in our group ended up spraining their ankle about ¾ down the mountain and they had to call an ambulance, the fire brigade, and other first responders. I still went and met them at the hospital to make sure everything was okay, and it wasn't too bad, now their just on crutches for about a month. It was an eventful weekend, and starting today is our break week. I'm planning to visit the largest Buddhist temple in the southern hemisphere with some friends because apparently its only a 10 minute ride away, and then the second half of break I'm going to Melbourne with a friend. I think that besides the hike and conquering the mountain I haven't done much this week. I think after flying to Melbourne and exploring for a few days I will have more to report, but for now this is all I can do. I will get back to you probably right before I leave. Get hype!