Underground, Ranch Dressing, and Memories

Maddie Oslejsek Royal Holloway University of London, England


October 17, 2015

Yesterday marked the one-month anniversary of my arrival in the country I have been in love with ever since I was a little kid. The memories I have made here so far are among the list of best moments in my life. 

I cannot begin to express the feeling I have every morning when I wake up and my dream doesn't end. If you would have asked 16-year-old Maddie where she would be in four years, her answer would not have been England.

In my first blog post, I talked about the feelings of self-doubt most students go through when they plan to study abroad. One of the things I questioned most was my ability to navigate around London. Looking at a map of the Underground was like trying to make sense of a drawing made by a four-year-old who had actually just scribbled all over the paper with crayons. But in just a months time, I went from saying, “I take the Baker-who line to where” to knowing that if I take a train from Egham Station to Richmond, I can get on the District Eastbound line to Barons Court. From there, it’s just a quick change to the Piccadilly Eastbound line to Holborn Station and a three-minute walk to be back at the Arcadia London Centre.

I have met so many wonderful people who have already begun to shape my life and help me grow as a person. The memories I have shared with these people will never be forgotten. From cooking meals with my flatmates to introducing one of them to Ranch dressing, there are never any dull moments!

Of course I have absolutely loved the academic side of university life in England as well! Because a lot of the work has to be done independently, it is very important to remain self-motivated; however, this is not a difficult task because the material I am studying is ridiculously interesting. I really enjoy the teaching style here in the UK because I feel like I have a better opportunity to further develop my own intellectual opinions through independent study. 

Additionally, I am so lucky to have seminars with some of the most experienced theatre practitioners I have ever met. Next week, I will be seeing a play in a professional theatre written by the woman who teaches my Playwriting seminar… how cool is that?!

I have no idea what the next eight months will bring... but I know it will be wonderful, and I look forward to all of you being a part of it.
