Welcome Home

Jillian Arenson University of Westminster, England


June 8, 2015

I can not believe that it has been a little over two weeks since I got on the plane at Heathrow Airport in London and made the journey back to the United States. It still feels so weird to be back home! For me, I did not really get the chance to settle in, get over jet lag, and get to see all of my family and friends that I missed while I was abroad. Flying in on the night of the 23rd I unpacked all my bags, washed my clothes, and repacked my bags and the car, to get ready to go back to Arcadia the next day.

As much as I love Arcadia, I was so not prepared both mentally and physically to go there the next day after I landed, unpack, and then get ready for class to start on Tuesday. The night I got back to campus I was very lucky to run into my friend Morgan, it was not only wonderful to see her after 5 and a half months, but she helped me unpack the car and move into my room in Knight Hall. Once settled in I had the chance to go see my other friend and watch Star Wars as a nice relaxing way to spend my first real night back in the States. Unfortunately for him I fell asleep during the beginning of the movie, but it was still nice to be able to see him after so many months apart.

Being abroad really opened my eyes to who my true friends are and through all the ups and downs, both my friends I saw that first night were always there for me and continue to be there for me till this day. I missed them so much and was really upset I did not get to see them for so long but the experience I had abroad is something I would never change. It made me into a more mature person, taught me many things, and gave me life experiences that I will be forever grateful for!

Now that I am back and officially over my jetlag it feels weird but also feels so natural. There are times where I feel like I never left and then there are times where I feel like I have been living on another planet for years. Even though there are so many times I wish I was in London I am glad that I am back at Arcadia with my friends and only an hour away from my family even though I am taking physics during this summer.

Now that I am back, I can not wait to see what else is in store for this summer besides classes and reuniting with everyone I missed, as well as the fall semester of my senior year! It has been a crazy ride but I am so glad that the memories of my junior year involve going to London, traveling, learning, and having the best semester I could possibly ask for.

