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A close-knit campus in a stunning location near the beach

With around 5,000 students Bond University is small by Australian standards: it’s perfect if you are looking to study abroad in a highly supportive environment on a small, modern campus with small, focused classes. It’s also located just 30 minutes by bike from the stunning beaches of Australia’s Gold Coast!

Bond, a private university, has three full trimesters, mirroring the US academic calendar and giving you the flexibility to study in Australia without missing the opportunity for a summer internship or job back home. Courses are available in business, communications, law, IT, humanities, sports management, psychology and the health sciences, many with a specific focus on Australia. The Faculty of Business is AACSB accredited.

Outside the classroom you'll find that Bond's location on the Gold Coast is ideal for exploring the environment that makes Australia so unique. Beaches, temperate rain-forests and Brisbane, with its 1.7 million people, are all within easy reach by bus.

Coming to Australia was a daunting transition from my normal life in the States, but Arcadia really made the process seamless and comfortable. ”

Randy Gowat

Bucknell University Student, Bond University

  • Film and photography students will have access to state of the art equipment that is often not available to students in the states.

  • Over 70 clubs and societies to choose from and a lively social scene.

  • Bond has learning support officers who offer you free individual sessions to help you achieve your best, through helping with essay writing, time management skills, referencing and more.

  • About half of Bond's student body is made up of international students, giving campus a truly diverse and vibrant feel. 

  • Learn more about Arcadia in Australia.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in Australia are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety