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Affordable summer in London

Internships Available

Are you looking for an affordable way to spend a few weeks of your summer in one of the world's most fascinating cities? Let London be your classroom and Arcadia be your guide - our faculty use the city to give context to your studies and our accessible GPA means that this program is a great option for all students. London's multicultural fusion of people, ideas and industries is the inspiration for the courses taught on our program: you may visit galleries, theaters, historical sites, local communities, and markets, all while living in a city whose history dates back two millennia.

If you are looking to build your resume over the summer you can select the Arcadia+ Internship option in either Session 1 or Session 2. You'll stay on the program for an additional four weeks, and intern three full days per week throughout the extended session with a placement in a wide range of industries. The additional required Internship Cornerstone Course (LONI INPR 210S) is designed to complement your work experience and to reinforce your professional and academic interests. This is a unique and affordable study abroad opportunity—if you want to network this summer, this may be a great program option.

  • The full range of courses offered includes photography, business, drama, journalism, marketing, politics, sociology and art history. You will enroll in one course per session. Internship students will also enroll in the Internship Cornerstone Course (LONI INPR 210S).

  • Internship Placement options include: Advertising; arts; business operations; film & television; accounting and entrepreneurship; hospitality; journalism; law; politics; marketing; non-governmental organizations; psychology; public relations; and theater. The Internship Placement Guide outlines more placement details. Placements are arranged based on your interests, experience and goals.

  • You'll benefit from all of the support and expertise of Arcadia's staff and faculty in our London Center. Learn more about our Arcadia London Center.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in England are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety