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A prestigious history at one of world's top universities

University College London, (UCL) was the first university to be founded in London, the first to accept women, and the first to accept students regardless of race or religion. It continues to be ranked among the top ten universities in the world, with outstanding academics across all disciplines and departments. UCL’s rigorous coursework means that this program is best if you’re a junior or senior, as you’ll study with highly regarded faculty and researchers in your department of admission. Their tradition of small group teaching means that this is a competitive program; but if admitted, you’ll benefit from the support of a tutor experienced working with visiting students.

  • Situated in Central London, in the Bloomsbury area, you’ll be near to the staff support at the Arcadia London Center as well as cultural attractions like the British Museum and Regents’ Park.
  • You’ll make plenty of friends at the large UCL Students’ Union, where you can join a diverse range of clubs, sports, and societies. The building houses restaurants, pubs, and shops. Students in the performing arts societies perform at the Bloomsbury Theater, UCL’s semi-professional theater. UCL also has several sports facilities open to students. You are also welcome to use Student Central facilities in central London.

  • UCL is part of the Russell Group which represents 24 leading UK universities committed to maintaining the very best research, an outstanding teaching and learning experience and unrivaled links with business and the public sector.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in England are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety