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Exciting Science Classes in the heart of London

If you’re looking for a taught STEM program for the summer, in an exciting location with expert faculty, then this innovative program at the University College London could be for you. It offers fascinating courses in the heart of this cosmopolitan city at a time when students from all over the world are there enjoying London’s summer activities.

You'll study one STEM course from an exciting selection at University College London, ranging from Climate and Energy to Data Science and Big Date to How the Brain Works and What Can Go Wrong?  Your coursework will consist of subject-related readings, as well as written and oral assignments.

  • You’ll also have full access to the Arcadia in London Center, with our staff there to support you and offer excursions, events, cultural activities and services during your time at UCL.
  • You'll join over 900 students taking courses at UCL's Summer School, with small class sizes that emphasize academics.

  • Classes will be held five days a week for three weeks, and you will be expected to complete additional independent study toward completion of your course(s).
  • UCL's Summer Social Program includes free events such as a welcome party and end-of-summer get-together, along with weekly tips about what's on in London.
  • Learn more about our Arcadia London Center.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in England are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety