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A big university town in a small, medieval city

Often called ‘the big university town in a small Italian city,’ Perugia is the home of ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute, which offers a variety of courses for study abroad students. They are peppered with academic field study to famous Italian cities and sites, community engagement opportunities, internship courses (internship placement areas include the Fair Trade sector, Museums, and Education) and extracurricular activities to take you out of the classroom and into the real Italy. These opportunities range from assisting at a family farm to doll making for UNICEF. 

Perugia’s hilltop location serves as the ideal backdrop for your study - Rich in art, architecture, and historical significance, it is internationally recognized as a city of learning.

Looking for the Food Studies, Intensive Italian, or Università degli Studi di Perugia programs?

You're in the right spot! These options are now academic pathways through the ISI Perugia - The Umbra Institute program from Spring 2023.


Vale la pena means "worth it" in Italian and that's how I describe my time here. ”

Kathryn Donati

The College of William and Mary Student

  • General Studies: Learn Italian at your level and study the culture while pursuing electives in a variety of disciplines taught in English. You may also choose an internship course in the fair trade sector, museums or education.

  • Academic Pathways: Pursue a specialized academic pathway in Multi-Cultural Psychology or Food, Sustainability & Environment if you wish to combine high academic standards, extensive study in the subject area, and community engagement. You can also conduct research in your area of choice through the Scholar's Program.

  • Level Up in Italian: If you’d like a fully immersive experience you can study full time through one of two pathways: Intensive Italian (Università per Stranieri) or Università degli Studi di Perugia

  • Arcadia+ Virtual Internship Option: Replace one elective course with a virtual internship through Arcadia - add international professional experience to your resume. See the Internship Placement Guide for information about placement details.

  • Arcadia Italy Weekend: A tailored weekend trip for all Arcadia students coming to Italy to enhance a sense of belonging to the Arcadia community. Students will explore hidden areas of Italy (among the Abruzzo, Marche or Romagna's countryside) that are off the beaten tracks and authentic.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in Italy are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety