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Lose yourself in a medieval Italian city in summertime

Often called ‘the big university town in a small Italian city,’ Perugia is the home of The Umbra Institute, an ISI Abroad academic partner of Arcadia which offers popular summer courses for those interested in learning Italian and understanding Italy’s history and culture.

The institute also offers field study to famous Italian cities and sites, community engagement opportunities, and extracurricular activities to take you out of the classroom and into the real Italy in Umbria, Tuscany and other Italian regions. Perugia's stunning hilltop location and international recognition as a city of learning serves as the ideal backdrop for your study abroad. 

You'll participate in the Arcadia Italy Weekend: A tailored weekend trip for all Arcadia students coming to Italy to enhance a sense of belonging to the Arcadia community. Students will explore hidden areas of Italy (among the Abruzzo, Marche or Romagna's countryside) that are off the beaten tracks and authentic.

The weekend will provide walking tours, cultural activities and food experiences to immerse students in the Italian culture. It will also be an opportunity to create connections among students in different areas of Italy and encourage exchange visits in reciprocal cities.

I have done so many things here in such a short amount of time, but above all, I have grown. ”

Amanda Campbell

Arcadia University Student, Umbra Institute Summer

  • All General Studies courses are taught in English. You don’t need to speak Italian to enroll, but you are sure to improve your proficiency as you explore the city, interact with its residents and learn first-hand about the real Italy. (Session 1, 2, or 1&2)

  • If you're looking to level up your Italian language proficiency, you have the option to participate in a specialized 6 week (Session 3) language immersion academic pathway.

  • This program offers a wide variety of courses – everything from art history and performing arts, to literature and political science. You have the option to take one or two courses in Italian language and culture on the General Studies program.

  • Perugia’s hilltop location serves as the ideal backdrop for your study - Rich in art, architecture, and historical significance, it is internationally recognized as a city of learning.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type


As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


Health & Safety

Student health, safety and security in Italy are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

Health & Safety