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Gain international work experience from home!

Enhance your semester or summer with a virtual internship in Dublin, Edinburgh, London, Rome or Sydney. An Arcadia Abroad Virtual Global Internship provides you with international work experience and a credit-bearing internship course to add to your study at your home school.

Check out our videos to learn more about the practical aspects of your placement as well as how we bring your internship to life. See for yourself how you can gain professional experience in a global setting.

Virtual Global Internship Placement Guide: We’ll work to match your placement with your career goals to help you gain the relevant, international experience employers are seeking. Placements range from social media assignments and web content creation, to performing research for business development projects, to developing communication content and plans for non-profit organizations, and much more.

Arcadia provides the “foot in the door” to enable your professional dossier to become enriched and diversified. In addition, earning credit becomes a way for you to reflect upon what you’re doing at your placement academically - and those reflections will serve you well all through your post-college working life. ”

  • Enjoy mentoring, networking, and reflection time with Arcadia staff and faculty in the country where you are pursuing your internship.

  • A digital resume workshop is included to help you articulate your experience to future employers and graduate admissions officers.

  • Your global network will grow through Arcadia staff and faculty and through your employer. You’ll also meet other virtual interns from schools across the US.

  • Our in-country staff have curated a library of free, online excursions to help you look beyond your placement and to engage with your host community. You’ll have loads of fun exploring and discovering.

  • Placements are offered on a first come, first served basis, so submit your application and confirm your participation early.

Program Details


Language of Instruction


Location Type