The city of Glasgow has risen from its gritty and industrial past to become one of Europe's emerging cities of culture with magnificent art collections from the classical to the contemporary, and a lively theater and music scene. Among Glasgow's impressive range of galleries and museums are the Centre for Contemporary Art close to the school, the Gallery of Modern Art and the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. The refurbished, handsome Victorian architecture that characterizes much of Glasgow now houses trendy boutiques, a buzzing club scene, an endless variety of ethnic restaurants and distinctive neighborhoods. With street markets, fringe theaters, cafes, film festivals and performance art and music everywhere you look, Glasgow appeals to students and their interests, as well as to their budgets.

As Scotland's largest city with an edgy and down to earth feel, Glasgow is a natural choice for an artist who wants to expand his/her visual horizons. And you can enjoy the day-to-day friendliness of this very Scottish city while easily being able to escape to some of Scotland's spectacular natural scenery. Glasgow is an hour's drive from Loch Lomond, an area of great scenic beauty that divides Scotland's Highlands and Lowlands. Or you can jump on the train and visit the capital city of Edinburgh, or the smaller town of Stirling.