Self-Growth and Branching Out

Calissa McNutt April 11, 2024

One month in and a week left until the mid-semester break. Time has flown by since I first arrived in Aotearoa with my family for a brief family vacation before Arcadia orientation began. After a few weeks of walking around campus and getting lost a few… More

Dealing with Culture Shock: Your First Week Abroad

Maya Radtke March 21, 2024

I of course had heard about culture shock many times before I stepped on the plane to go 8,219 miles (about 13227.2 km) away from home. For some reason I wasn’t expecting to be affected by it, as if I were immune to feeling strange in a new place (spoiler… More

Hiking in New Zealand

Skye Thomson June 3, 2023

When I came to New Zealand I knew I wanted to bring my love of hiking with me. The little I knew of the country beforehand promised gorgeous mountain views and breathtaking sights, all of which I knew I had to find. And throughout my time here I’ve done… More

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