Currently Studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Homeschool: Sarah Lawrence College
Before my departure for Ireland, I took a day trip to visit my friend Jemma! Jemma is spending the year at Oxford University and is home for winter… More
Currently studying at: National University of Ireland Galway, Ireland
Homeschool: Penn State University
First thing’s first, I freaking cried in the airport. Yes, me, in all my fear of crying, cried. I’m blaming my dad because in all my life I’ve only… More
Currently Studying at: University College Dublin, Ireland
Homeschool: Trinity University
It’s about a half-hour bus ride from UCD campus into the center of the town where I find my favorite study spots and exploratory outings, so I don’t want to forget… More
Currently Studying at: University College Dublin, Ireland
Homeschool: Trinity University
For the past three years, the world has been following Britain’s tenuous negotiations as they exit from the European Union. Being able to travel and study abroad… More
Currently Studying at: University College Dublin, Ireland
Homeschool: Trinity University
I’ve been lucky enough to travel extensively throughout Ireland in the first few months of my time abroad, but it wasn’t until this past weekend that I ventured… More
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