The past two weekends I’ve taken trips around Scotland with International Student Tours at the University of Edinburgh. The first one was to Loch Lomond, Inveraray, and Oban in the western Highlands, while the second was to Dundee, Stonehaven, and Aberdeen… More
Condition one: Begin by living near a small regional airport. If this does not apply to you, you must fly the traditional way. There are no exceptions.
Granted that you have fulfilled condition one, arrive at the airport whenever you feel like it. Ideally… More
Last night, I went to a meeting for the Tae Kwon Do club at Aberdeen. I learned to do a 180-kick, and how to get out of a wrist grab and a choke. But that’s not what this blog post is about.
At the end when everyone was putting their coats on to go home… More
Two weeks into my study abroad program and I feel like I have been in Edinburgh for a year. Every day feels incredibly long in a good way. The first week was full of various info sessions and awkward introductions with every person I sat next to in orientation… More
As it happens, the stereotype that Americans are the most gun-happy people in the world is false. In fact, the people at the University of Aberdeen Rifle Club were surprised to hear that American Universities generally don’t allow any kind of guns or… More
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