Climbing, Canoes, and Ceilidhs… Oh My!

Jordan Mcintyre March 3, 2016

This weekend, I went on the Edinburgh Centre’s Firbush Activity Weekend. This was an event hosted by the Arcadia Centre where students were able to participate in some outdoor activities and get to see some more of Scotland. We left by minibus on Friday… More

A Whole New World

Melissa Thompson March 1, 2016

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” –Mark Twain This… More

Studies and Celebrations

Sarah Mason February 25, 2016

Hello readers!  I’ve finally reached the point where I have to start acting like a real student here at Edinburgh (*sigh*). The past two weeks, I’ve been cranking out essays, reading articles, and highlighting my notes like crazy. It finally hit me that… More

A Walk Through Time

Melissa Thompson February 22, 2016

Two roads diverged and I, I took the one less traveled” –Robert Frost  Scotland is such a beautiful and diverse country. So far in my journey in Scotland, I’ve been to relatively large cities such as Edinburgh, Stirling and Aberdeen (of course!).… More

A Visit to Stonehaven

Olivia Mill February 22, 2016

My favorite place that I have visited so far is Stonehaven. It is a nice fishing town that can be reached by a 20 min train ride from Aberdeen. The main attraction is Dunnotar Castle, which sits on the cliffs at the edge of the town. It is a long walk… More

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