What Are Your Study Abroad Resolutions?

Sierra Elmore January 4, 2016

As an INFP, Ravenclaw, and Virgo, you could argue that I was born to plan and organize. Obviously, this means I’ve created a ton of lists, goals, and Dropbox folders (okay, only one) to plan ahead for my Scotland First Year Study Abroad Experience (FYSAE)… More

Keep the Heid

Sarah Mason December 30, 2015

“Keep the heid”: a Scottish phrase meaning to “stay calm”, that also sounds incredibly applicable to me as I hit the 5-day mark in my countdown to study abroad. In just 5 days from today, I’ll be sitting on a plane en route to Edinburgh, Scotland. After… More

Discovering Something New Inside the Classroom

Gaelen McCartney December 1, 2015

To give you a little background, back in the states, I study Fibers and Materials Studies at the Tyler School of Art at Temple University. This is a conceptual fine art program where I concentrate in creating fiber-based pieces of work. Over here in Scotland… More

Interning & Edinburgh

Elizabeth Houde December 1, 2015

Thursday (aka Thanksgiving for those in the States) was my last internship day. I love my internship. Some people broke into song for absolutely no reason (a Christmas song, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Let It Go). On the other hand, I did accidentally make… More

Courses, Ceilidhs, and Christmas

Kathryn Funderburg December 1, 2015

As finals and the holiday season grow closer I am trying to wrap my mind around the fact that my Aberdeen adventure is coming to a close. My classes are over, ending on Thanksgiving Day. It was definitely a first to be conjugating Latin and attending… More

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