Arthur’s Seat & Stirling

Margaret Chelsvig March 13, 2015

Earlier this month, I took a day trip to Stirling for another Ceilidh! One of the weirdest things about studying abroad is that castles have lost their novelty. At first, I was so excited- a castle! It was so cool, but now it’s just another castle. Still… More

Pride and Prejudice

Ananya Shrestha March 10, 2015

It is a testament of how busy I have been adjusting to and enjoying life in Scotland that this is only the third blog post I have written so far. But wow, do I have a lot to talk about now! From living in a self-catered flat (read: cook for yourself)… More

Weekend Trip to the Highlands

Margaret Chelsvig March 6, 2015

One of the perks of studying abroad through Arcadia is that they organize optional trips for you to join in on. One of the trips I signed up for was an activity weekend at the University of Edinburgh’s Firbush Outdoor Center. So last Friday, I packed… More

From Scotland, With Love

Caroline Witts March 3, 2015

I knew two things about Scotland before I went. The first was that people wore kilts. I didn’t know why and I didn’t exactly know how common it was to where a kilt, but I knew they existed. The second Scotland fact I was aware of was that they ate something… More

Eleven days in Germany and Austria: Part I

Margaret Chelsvig March 3, 2015

The University of Edinburgh has a week long break from classes during February. Rather than staying in Scotland for the week, my friend and I packed our backpacks to the brim and headed to Germany and Austria. It was a great eleven days but I was exhausted… More

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