Earlier this month, I took a day trip to Stirling for another Ceilidh! One of the weirdest things about studying abroad is that castles have lost their novelty. At first, I was so excited- a castle! It was so cool, but now it’s just another castle. Still… More
It is a testament of how busy I have been adjusting to and enjoying life in Scotland that this is only the third blog post I have written so far. But wow, do I have a lot to talk about now! From living in a self-catered flat (read: cook for yourself)… More
One of the perks of studying abroad through Arcadia is that they organize optional trips for you to join in on. One of the trips I signed up for was an activity weekend at the University of Edinburgh’s Firbush Outdoor Center. So last Friday, I packed… More
I knew two things about Scotland before I went. The first was that people wore kilts. I didn’t know why and I didn’t exactly know how common it was to where a kilt, but I knew they existed. The second Scotland fact I was aware of was that they ate something… More
The University of Edinburgh has a week long break from classes during February. Rather than staying in Scotland for the week, my friend and I packed our backpacks to the brim and headed to Germany and Austria. It was a great eleven days but I was exhausted… More
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