Where in the World is Jackie?

Jackie O'Leary February 27, 2015

It’s been almost a month since my last blog post, and I come back to writing this blog with more knowledge, more stamps in my passport, and more smells on my backpack. Since last writing, I have embraced my traveler’s soul and found myself in Dublin,… More

Exploring Scotland: Visits to Glasgow and Perth

Margaret Chelsvig February 12, 2015

So a lot has happened since my last post. I took a day trip to Glasgow, and found an American candy store there, that was selling a 12 pack of A&W Root Beer for 16 pounds, I’ve actually had to do schoolwork (I knew this day would eventually come), and… More

Dunnottar Castle

Kelli Baxstrom February 3, 2015

Pronounced dun-NOT-er, and known as Dún Fhoithear (fort on the shelving slope) in Gaelic, this ruined cliff fortress has been my favorite place yet. A ruined medieval castle that is set up on a hill belonging to a peninsula, it boasts the surroundings… More

London Trip!

Margaret Chelsvig January 29, 2015

I had a fabulous trip to London! It was very busy and tiring, but it was a blast! I left Friday morning and managed to sleep through my alarm… so I had to sprint to the train station at 6:30am. I also went to a Ceilidh the night before and made the mistake… More

St. Andrews

Kelli Baxstrom January 25, 2015

Another week has passed. My homesickness has been making the days drag by, but everyone keeps telling me it will soon get better, and I cannot wait for that moment. I got in contact with another Arcadia study abroad student who is currently studying… More

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