Sitting at home, I keep fluctuating between Edinburgh-can’t-come-soon-enough and I-am-so-not-ready-to-leave. The Edinburgh-can’t-come-soon-enough comes from the excitement and anticipation of living in another country for five months. I’m beyond excited… More
Four months. Four months has already come and gone. By the time you read this I will be home or on the way back to the US. It makes me sad just thinking about it! I really fell in love with Ireland and it’s weird to know I’m going home. This last month… More
Hi there! I can’t believe how fast time goes when you travel. It seems like Fresher’s week was only a few days ago. For those that aren’t aware, Fresher’s week is a week for students to settle in campus before classes begin. It’s really interesting what… More
Two months in, and I finally left my beloved Scotland for the first time since I arrived to go visit friends in Ireland. It is also the first time I have done extensive planning and traveling by myself. I would say that it went smoothly, but if you really… More
Disclaimer: Since it’s midsemester break and I’m not in Scotland at the moment, I wanted to take the time to look back on some of my favourite Scottish moments since I’ve been here. One of them being the incredibly monumental Scottish Independence Referendum… More
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