From Battles to Broomsticks

Lena Gryaznova November 2, 2014

The past few weeks have included a number of excursions all over the UK. Alnwick Castle and Newcastle Alnwick castle is a scene of many movies, including the first 2 of Harry Potter. I got both a Historic tour of the castle grounds as well as a Battleaxe… More

Fresh Eyes

Amanda Berthold October 28, 2014

I’ve recently had three visits from family and friends to my fair city of Edinburgh. While both times I expected myself to be the tour guide of all tour guides, both times I came up empty with what to do. I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I’ve… More

Out of the City and Into the Wild

Samantha Gordon October 24, 2014

When you’re as un-athletic as I am, the mere suggestion of signing up for an activity weekend seems more like a dare. Most of my physical activity happens on stage as I run around and dance during the performances. So the thought of spending a weekend… More

Singing, Football and Good Cheer!

Evan McKemon October 20, 2014

The past week has been filled with music, athleticism, and good cheer! It began with the National Mòd in Inverness, onto the first Gaelic football game at Queen Margaret’s University, outside Edinburgh, then at Malone’s Pub in downtown Aberdeen! I woke… More

Out, Damned Spot

Lena Gryaznova October 19, 2014

It has been a while since I have written here, but that is only because of the past few weeks being very eventful. The past weekend I went to visit some family friends in Birmingham. After successfully navigating my first ever train journey, I arrived… More

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