Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England
Homeschool: Ohio State University
I went to Malta with four of my friends this past weekend for four nights. Malta is a very tiny island just between Italy and Africa. We stayed at a large… More
Currently Studying At: University of Westminster, England
Homeschool: Ohio State University
When you’re a young music fan, and you discover The Beatles for the first time, there’s really nothing quite like it. It’s a magical experience and some of the… More
Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand
Homeschool: Wofford College
I have exactly one more month left in New Zealand. I cannot believe how accustomed I am to life here, nor can I believe that I actually have to go back home in thirty… More
Currently studying at: Fundacion Ortega-Maranon - toledo, Spain
Homeschool: The College of Wooster
Spring break held quite a few adventures through a lot of places I’d been planning to go, but my favorite day was one that was in a place I never thought… More
Currently Studying at: University of Otago, New Zealand
Homeschool: Wofford College
The past two weeks have been incredible. I finished all of my assignments the week before mid-semester break, which was such a relief; not having to worry about those… More
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