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Study in the gateway to the South Island

University of Canterbury is a leafy green campus on sprawling grounds ten minutes from the center of Christchurch. Many courses have a field studies component, and the long semester break, especially in the Spring semester, is designed for students to get out in the field. Field studies are not limited to science courses and the diverse offerings include courses in community service, humanities internships, and Māori studies. Canterbury’s academic areas of excellence include unique course offerings in engineering, forestry, astronomy, environmental science and speech therapy.

Since a major earthquake in 2011, Christchurch has become a hub of innovation, with a plethora of start-ups in the inner city. The university and the city have come together as the region rebuilds, driving the creation for the Centre for Entrepreneurship (UCE). The UCE also offers a credit-bearing opportunity to work with local start-ups and businesses in the course Enterprise in Practice.

Student life centers around the campus itself including its own social venue The Foundry and student clubs. There are over 80 clubs to join. A favorite among Arcadia students is the Climbing Club which provides everything you need: gear, tuition and cheers of encouragement, and gets students out to amazing climbing destinations like Castle Hill.

There is something magical about New Zealand - the people, the landscape, the culture, the vibe - that permeates you. You come to the country as an awe-inspired college student, and leave a part of you behind. ”

Carolyn Saund

Tufts University Student, University of Canterbury

  • Credit-bearing course selections include an internship in the humanities. Examples of placements include: media and communications for major nationals companies, GIS mapping and environmental projects, organizing national charity events, and more.

  • With an incredible location between the sea and mountains Canterbury students like to brag that they can ski and surf in the same day, and that they are in the best location for easy access to glaciers on the West Coast, whale watching at Kaikoura, and star-gazing in the Dark Sky Reserve at Lake Tekapo.

  • The University of Canterbury has field study sites across the South Island, providing opportunities for students of astronomy, geology and marine research.

  • We recommend students get involved with the Student Volunteer Army. This vibrant organization links students to a wide variety of volunteer opportunities in the local area.

  • The University of Canterbury offers UC Opportunities to study abroad students, where they participate in a for-credit internship designed to engage with the Christchurch community.

  • UC gives students the choice of one free activity during their time abroad, including a dolphin nature cruise, sea kayaking, a zipline tour, and more.

Program Details


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As a participant on an Arcadia program, you are guaranteed housing. Our priority is to provide a safe, clean, cost-effective and convenient place for you to live, while offering you every opportunity to explore the local culture and community.


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Student health, safety and security in New Zealand are our top priorities. Our experienced and well-connected staff are prepared to deal with any emergencies that may arise...

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